jueves, 8 de agosto de 2019


Resultado de imagen para GOOD TEACHER CARTOON
Good teachers motivate their students and teach them different perspectives. Effective teachers use the facts to teach from the beginning, not until the end; they always ask questions that start with “why”, see all the perspectives of an issue and motivate students to predict what will happen. They frequently ask students questions to make sure all students are attentive. They try to motivate the whole class, and they don't allow a few students to dominate the class. They keep students interested in learning with varied and interesting tactics.
Good teachers form strong relationships with their students and show that they have affection for them as people. Good teachers are nice, accessible, enthusiastic and affectionate. Teachers with these qualities stay after school and are available to students and parents who need them. They are involved in school committees and activities and demonstrate a commitment to the school.
Good teachers are experts in their subjects. They exhibit extensive knowledge in the subjects they teach and take time to continue their own education in their subject. They present school material with enthusiasm and instill in students the desire to learn more outside of school.
Good teachers communicate frequently with parents. They seek to communicate with parents through conferences and notes or reports sent home. Do not hesitate to call a parent if they are worried about a student.

Resultado de imagen para a good teacher cartoon


I started my career as a teacher practically since I was in school, my classmates always tried to help them understand English issues, because I was quite easy in this area, I never wanted to get paid monetarily, because I I was very happy to see them learning and understanding this second language differently, for me it was more than enough, from there I had among my plans wanting to be a teacher. Although at the beginning of the degree program in English, I was not very convinced to continue and not because I did not like the language, I really felt very below other people with the level of English that I brought from the town where I belong, because there the bases English and the resources provided to students are not very good; Little by little I fell in love with this beautiful profession.
The first experience in the city of Neiva, was with a small group of children between the ages of 5 and 7, with whom I still count today, from the moment I started working with them I realized the great love I feel for working with This type of community, from there the desire to do my first practice in elementary school.
Although the interaction with high school students has not been on a large scale, I would like to be able to live the experience in the second practice and learn from it.
Today, I work giving personalized classes to some members of my family and university students from different careers. the experience with each of them has been very pleasant, although some have a hard time managing the language, the will is essential for this and clearly not everyone has it because the fact of learning English not all do it with The same purpose, for many, is to fulfill a requirement as for others it is the desire to enjoy learning a second language, to be able to interact and learn about other cultures as is my case. Every day I fall in love more with this career and this beautiful profession.
Resultado de imagen para BICYCLE CARTOON
Teaching and learning both in the educational field and in life, have the function similar to a bicycle. To keep your balance you have to keep pedaling. Therefore, each of its parts carried out important work in the process:
* The handlebar is the discipline: the thought of the idea of ​​where the trajectory is oriented. Where can I go, what interests me, what do I love to do, for whom I do things, whether it is for my own or common interest.
* The wheels are the vocation of wanting to be: they are the movement, the good and bad moments, the adaptation to those that we find along the way, the answer to each change
* The pedals are the courage and the courage to want to teach as much as to be taught: they are the ones that give the push, the ones that make it go forward, allow to realize what intelligence has seen on the horizon ... decide and reach the goal. Without a will, we would not move an inch from the place of good intentions.

Teaching in development, a path and although there are expensive and painful climbs, let's not stop looking and admiring how wonderful we have around us. Let's teach for pleasure and not for obligation.

sábado, 3 de agosto de 2019

Journal Entry #8

Resultado de imagen para daily routines images

Due to interruptions in the classes of last week, the week began with the third grade students, applying the lesson plan proposed for the week number six, in which the vocabulary related to the animals was shown dynamically, children, they sang and did each of the activities related to the subject. With this degree, the group work strengthens the motivation of the class, since I always try that the students who have skill in the area, support those who have a difficult time learning a second language.
The following day routine activities were started in the morning with the fourth grade, thanks to the help of the cooperating teacher, a warm atmosphere was achieved during the course of the class, and videos were shown in the audiovisual classroom about these activities, which I call their attention. At this point in the continuous class, I realized that the visual, manual and group inclusion of children is too important for their intellectual and collective development.
Finally, the week closes with the proposed lesson plan for fifth grade students with whom frequency adverbs were carried out, with this activity it was proposed to put into practice both days of the week and vocabulary related to activities that students do daily, use of elements such as bombs, balon, and videos, made a class quite dynamic and productive.

Journal Entry #7

Resultado de imagen para trabajo en grupo cartoon

Week number 6 could not work with students in grades 3 and 4, for different Institutional activities, influenced several aspects such as celebration of the teacher's day, meeting with parents and entrance after 2 in the afternoon, reason why which were run some hours. Seeing this situation, the lesson plans planned for the week number 6 with grades 3 and 4 will be worked on the following week (number seven).
The only group of students with whom it was possible to perform each of the activities without any interruption was with the children of grade 5, who worked with the structure of the verb to be, adjectives, the topic was not very clear even in Spanish. Which from an initiation was explained in the native language to then go to practice it in English. The vocabulary shown for the students in the subject, was easier to work, creating synonyms and antonyms of certain words. Students of this grade are facilitated to work in small groups and as a "competence" in certain activities.

Journal Entry #6

Imagen relacionada

The week started with the third grade students was quite productive, in the sense that the activities proposed to develop the theme of emotions in relation to the verb to be, were of great pleasure for the children. It is important to keep in mind that they are very visual for this reason, the class works that are manual, kinesthetic, develop and help their motor skills come to the surface. 
The next day with the fourth grade students, the movie was shown, like stars on earth, when some of the students noticed certain learning problems related to writing, several of them felt identified and liked the movie, the Film was projected with audio in English and closed caption in Spanish. 
Finally, with the fifth grade, we worked professions, a subject that I call your attention because each one of the students, expressed the importance of projecting the profession they wish to practice in the future.
To conclude the week number 5, I feel more and more comfortable working with this type of population, I feel that my empathy with the children of low ages is very good, and I would like you to understand and understand the pleasure of learning. a new language as is English.

Journal Entry #5

Resultado de imagen para virtual classes for kids cartoon

At the beginning of this week is given effectively with grade 3, the class to learn to express their age, phone number, address, identity number, through the verb to be liked by children. Most of them work progressively and those who have a learning rhythm a little lower than others, I try to spend more time to be attentive to their activities. I feel very happy when I enter this room, since the children always receive me with a hug and a radiant smile, they are very detailed, they give me fruit and sweets.

Again there is difficulty with the 5th grade class because this week a festive Wednesday is presented, for this reason the lesson plan is postponed for the following week, making some changes to advance the issue.

With grade 4 on Thursday, we work fruits and animals in the audiovisual room, with the purpose of improving the grammatical structure of the verb to be in the affirmative. The listening part is still a bit difficult for them, but the atmosphere inside this room helps the children to feel comfortable and reach the desire to learn. in the ability of speaking most of them pronounce the words well and guide them in their notebook.

WHAT MAKES A GOOD TEACHER? Good teachers motivate their students and teach them different perspectives. Effective teachers use the fac...