Journal Entry #6

The week started with
the third grade students was quite productive, in the sense that the activities
proposed to develop the theme of emotions in relation to the verb to be, were
of great pleasure for the children. It is important to keep in mind that they are
very visual for this reason, the class works that are manual, kinesthetic,
develop and help their motor skills come to the surface.
The next day with the
fourth grade students, the movie was shown, like stars on earth, when some of
the students noticed certain learning problems related to writing, several of
them felt identified and liked the movie, the Film was projected with audio in
English and closed caption in Spanish.
Finally, with the fifth
grade, we worked professions, a subject that I call your attention because each
one of the students, expressed the importance of projecting the profession they
wish to practice in the future.
To conclude the week
number 5, I feel more and more comfortable working with this type of
population, I feel that my empathy with the children of low ages is very good,
and I would like you to understand and understand the pleasure of learning. a
new language as is English.
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