sábado, 3 de agosto de 2019

Journal Entry #3

Resultado de imagen para inem mauricio sanchez school

In the week of initiation to the class, we reached an agreement with the teachers of the different classrooms, to reinforce the problem of the numbers in English, strangely I discovered that the classrooms were seeing the same figures, even so the same plan of lesson for the different courses. The third degree, that is, in this way, the degree that less subject has seen was that more of his knowledge float. The activities were carried out effectively with each of them, obviously with a different work rate.

When we analyzed the subject with the practice advisor, I realized that there clearly had to be a change in the lesson plans, so I decided to conclude the subject of the numbers with different purposes, such as learning to introduce myself and give a telephone number, express ages, among other features.

During the realization of the activities I realize that in grades 3 and 5 there are probably students with learning difficulties, which I put to the consideration of the professors of the headquarters and mine, since this changes a bit the rhythm in which these types of students are learning.

With grade 3 the numbers were handled from 1 to 50 (from 1 to 10 successively and from 10 to 50 from ten in ten), with the 4th grade from 1 to 100 in the same way and with the 5th grade students. 1 to 100 and the difference between one hundred, one thousand and one million. In each of the grades emphasize the difference between 3, 13 and 30 and so with the other numbers that have a pronunciation very similar root, it was a flaw I found in the 3 courses.

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