Journal Entry #7

Week number 6 could not work with students in grades 3
and 4, for different Institutional activities, influenced several aspects such
as celebration of the teacher's day, meeting with parents and entrance after 2
in the afternoon, reason why which were run some hours. Seeing this situation,
the lesson plans planned for the week number 6 with grades 3 and 4 will be
worked on the following week (number seven).
The only group of students with whom it was possible to perform each of the activities without any interruption was with the children of grade 5, who worked with the structure of the verb to be, adjectives, the topic was not very clear even in Spanish. Which from an initiation was explained in the native language to then go to practice it in English. The vocabulary shown for the students in the subject, was easier to work, creating synonyms and antonyms of certain words. Students of this grade are facilitated to work in small groups and as a "competence" in certain activities.
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