Good teachers motivate their students and teach them different perspectives. Effective teachers use the facts to teach from the beginning, not until the end; they always ask questions that start with “why”, see all the perspectives of an issue and motivate students to predict what will happen. They frequently ask students questions to make sure all students are attentive. They try to motivate the whole class, and they don't allow a few students to dominate the class. They keep students interested in learning with varied and interesting tactics.
Good teachers form strong relationships with their students and show that they have affection for them as people. Good teachers are nice, accessible, enthusiastic and affectionate. Teachers with these qualities stay after school and are available to students and parents who need them. They are involved in school committees and activities and demonstrate a commitment to the school.
Good teachers are experts in their subjects. They exhibit extensive knowledge in the subjects they teach and take time to continue their own education in their subject. They present school material with enthusiasm and instill in students the desire to learn more outside of school.
Good teachers communicate frequently with parents. They seek to communicate with parents through conferences and notes or reports sent home. Do not hesitate to call a parent if they are worried about a student.
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